reiterate your central problem or research question and give a brief summary of the scholarly context. You can emphasize the timeliness of the topic (“many recent studies have focused on the problem of x”) or highlight a gap in the literature (“while there has been much research on x,...
If it’s anAPA citation websitepage or anAPA reference pageyou need help with, we have many other resources available for you! Table of Contents This guide includes the following sections: MLA9 Changes Citing websites with an author Citing websites with no author ...
Approximately how many sentences should be in one body paragraph? How do you improve your vocabulary? How can one find all of the literary terms in a short story? How do you contextualize a quote and make it into a sentence? What is Annie Dillard's purpose in writing the essay 'Seeing'...
Check out our presentation with a detailed guide on formatting in MLA:CLICK Chicago Format The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is less common for college essays than MLA or APA, but students may still face it in the requirements for their assigned papers. When you format an essay in Chicago...
These summaries will take a large work that might have many significant plot points, complex main characters, and vivid storytelling and boil it down into a concise, simple statement. Take J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potterand The Sorcerer's Stone, for example. ...
Centered on the page after the date. Capitalize major words, but do not bold, underline, or italicize them. No page number is required on the first page unless specified by the instructors. MLA cover pages are simple, without extra formatting or running headers like in APA. ...
Instructions on how to write an argumentative essay, including how to craft an enticing introduction, write a thesis statement, and outline your essay.
If you’re in charge of choosing your topic, as with many academic reports, this is one of the most critical steps in the writing process. Try to pick a topic that fits these two criteria: There’s adequate information: Choose a topic that’s neither too general nor too specific. You ...
Check your essay for grammatical and spelling mistakes.As a rule, an analytical essay that has got many mistakes gets worse marks than the one that hasn’t. Check spelling and grammar, search for complex sentences of the rhetorical plan in the text, checkpunctuation marks, and also don't fo...
Students often ask us, “How many pages is 1000 words?”We answer:It depends on the formatting requirements you’ve got. When using 12pt Times New Roman and single spacing, 1000 words will take around two pages. If you write in a 14pt font and use double spacing between the lines, ...