040 The political progress women have made — and what's next Cecile Richards 17:05 078 The real reason female entrepreneurs get less funding Dana Kanze 14:49 077 The joyful perplexing world of puzzle hunts Alex Rosenthal 11:56 076 The disarming case to act right now on climate change...
“Sex is impure, you should NOT have it until you’re married,”“If a man lies with another man as he lies with a woman, he is an abomination,”“Women who have sex with unmarried men are fornicators and whores,”“Masturbation is dirty and unnatural,”“God ...
The fear Haynes mentions here has been even more prevalent in many women’s lives over the past 12 months. With the news ofSarah Everard's kidnap, rape, and murder, and the more recentallegations surrounding the Met Policeand the toxic environment of misogyny and rape culture within the forc...
And on the internet, women have traded recipes for DIY canna-lube for decades. One Reddit user described combining an edible and weed-infused coconut oil lube in a2014 post: "I've done my fair share of drugs, but before this weekend I wouldn't have said I had ever had a spiritual ex...
On Tumblr, there have been many times when someone has been “called out” for what would seem to be horrible things that they had done or said or believed… except many of the people who are joining the call out have no idea what the actual details are and are responding to second or...
How long does agoraphobia last? How many women suffer from postpartum depression? Who is affected by postpartum depression? Can postnatal depression last for years? How does postpartum depression affect relationships? Why is postpartum depression underdiagnosed?
Yes, knitting can help with PTSD. As part of their journey to recovery, many ex-WW1 soliders were taught to knit, as it helped lower their heart rate and blood pressure. Is Knitting A Form Of Meditation? Knitting isn’t a form of meditation, but many of the benefits are similar. ...
Sadly, many women in this situation do not seek treatment or are afraid to get help. If you have been struggling with this problem alone, there is no time like the present to reach out for assistance and start your recovery as safely as possible....
In adulthood, men are more likely to report feeling lonely and to have few close friends. About twice as many men as women exhibit substance use disorders. Men are about four times more likely to die by suicide. About twice as many women as men exhibit depression. Women are about twice ...
For many of the women, it was difficult to leave the CBB House. “You deserve everything bad that has happened to you and will continue to happen to you,” Austin texted Molly after she left, in messages that were provided toRolling Stone.“Trash family trash personality trash...