How Ww2 Affected America World War II changed and affected many Americans lives and lifestyles. During the war, resources were very limited such as food, electricity, rubber, metal and gasoline. People had to learn how to adjust to the new changes. The availability of resources changed the liv...
Arthur Porter was in a federally recognized National Guard unit Robert Pratt and Wilfred Ratliff were drafted William Petruzzi was a commissioned officer. (We also knew that from him being listed as a 2 Lt. But if his rank hadn’t been listed, we would have discovered he was a commissioned...
Many American citizens were descended from immigrants with ties on both sides of the conflict and so felt torn in their loyalties and preferred to retain a position of neutrality. This continued in the early period of the war until a specific event began to cause a shift ...
there were many tensions early on and once the common threat of Germany and Japan were removed, it was only a matter of time for the shaky relationship to fall apart. Here are some possible factors that contributed to the Cold War:
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation distributes money to grantees, but a separate entity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, manages the endowment assets. These two entities often have overlapping interests, and, as has been noted many times in the past, grants given by the foundation...