Important: Cairo Bashtil station is now open: An impressive new station called Bashtil opened in Cairo in October 2024 and the deluxe sleeper trains to/from Upper Egypt have already been switched to Bashtil instead of using Cairo Ramses. It's not yet clear what other trains (if any) are...
Linda L Weeks says: April 27, 2018 at 1:27 pm I love my peonies too, and enjoy them whenever they’re blooming; do you use any fertilizer on yours? Thanks! Reply Kelly Elko says: April 29, 2018 at 10:18 am Yes, in the spring when the shoots first emerge, you can use a...
Susan Card April 11, 2018 at 3:01 am I have strongly believed in Magic Erasers for many years now. Whenever someone informs me of a stain they are unable to get out I quickly tell them Magic Eraser. I have even used them on carpet stains. I live in senior housing. There have been...
“This trip has certainly changed many things for us.” I smiled as I thought of the serene calm flowing through me. Yes, I knew there’d be danger ahead. Yes, I knew there’d be peril. But I was not afraid. I had the love of Elohim in me. *The Lord is your light and ...
Bitcoin mining is legal in many countries, but the activity is becoming more regulated due to concerns about electrical grid capability, grid capacity, and climate change. Many countries have placed temporary bans or introduced legislature that made it too costly, while others have outright banned ...
Many people love the idea of coming over to Spain just for the holiday season and living in Spain for the summer while working to pay their way. Most will be students looking for summer work abroad to give them a combination of earning money over the summer before they go back to study...
I'm very grateful to have so many people involved. But also it is kind of daunting — one thing affects the next thing, affects the next thing. I think it'll pay off once people see it. But for now, my priority is making live versions of everything with my music director, and the...
There are now so many options when it comes to FPV sim, with tons of tracks and maps you can practice on. They will keep you entertained and motivated for a long time before you get bored. Check outour review on all the popular FPV simulator options. ...
TheSAFe DevOpscourse is, in many ways, more a workshop than a training course. It works best when a group of people from the same organisation attend together. Participants start by value stream mapping their current development process, and then over the remainder of the class, they identify...
Excel stopped recognizing the Spanish date formats, it was working from January til March then it just stopped working during April. Example: Using VLOOKUP and 01 abr. as a reference, it doesn't count "01 abr" from the raw data. This worked from Jan to Mar using the same "everything"...