How to convert electric power in watts (W) to energy in joules (J).You can calculate joules from watts and seconds, but you can't convert watts to joules since watt and joule units represent different quantities.Watts to joules calculation formulaThe energy E in joules (J) is equal to ...
Rhonda Vous, the 445 N human cannonball, is shot from her cannon, leaving it at 18.0 m/s. How much work did the cannon do on her? What quantities are needed to describe motion? What is the difference between a joule of work and a joule of energy? What is the efficiency...
How many kW is required to lift a weight of 600 kg by 1 m in 1 sec? How to convert lbs into kg with a formula A joule is equal to one what times one meter? Is a Joule a unit of energy? A machine puts out 100 watts of power for every 1,000 watts put into it. What is ...
Whenever current flows through a resistance, heat results. This is inevitable. The heat can be measured inwatts,abbreviated W, and represents electricalpower.Power can be manifested in many other ways, such as in the form of mechanical motion, or radio waves, or visible light, or noise. In ...
What is the relation between a watt (W) and a joule (J) ? View Solution Horsepower has how many Watt ? View Solution Power dissipated across the8Ωin the circuit shown here is2W. The power dissiated in watt units across the3Ωis ...
Awatt, abbreviated as W, is the unit for measuring the rate of energy transferred over time. One watt is equal to onejouleof energy transferred per second. In layperson’s terms, watts (or wattage) measure how much electricity a device requires tostart and runandhow much a power source ...
Estimate the time each of your devices is on over a given time period. The actual energy your device consumes is a function of the amount of time it is on and the number of watts is uses. For each device, estimate how long the device is on, on average, over a given time period; ...
Electical Energy is measured in kilowatt-hours Energy =Power x Time or Kilowatt-hours = Kilowatts x Hours One kilowatt hour is equal to 1000 watts of power used for one hour of time. How to calcuate cost of electricity From Con Ed Bill--"We measure yur electricty by how many kilowatt...
Watts (W) or kilowatts (kW) are commonly used (1000W = 1kW). Of course, the quantity of power it consumes is determined by the length of time it is turned on, which is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).a) the resistance of the appliance, and We know ...
(named for English physicist James Prescott Joule) and the amount of energy something produces in one second is called its power, measured in units ofwatts(named for Scottish engineer, James Watt). A power of one watt means something is making or using one joule of energy every second. An...