Corn, like many other vegetables, prefers acidic and neutral soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. Thus, it is advised to conduct soil testing to ascertain that the soil’s pH is right for growing crops.The soil’s moisture and efficient drainage are also important factors because of the ...
If you have enough plants to get a big yield, there are so many wonderful things that you can do with strawberries beyond eating them out of hand. Here are a few tantalizing suggestions: First, try astrawberry blueberry crumble for dessert, or a slice ofclassic strawberry rhubarb pie. Both...
me, with one page. And that's just Facebook, that doesn't include all the other platforms. But imagine if so many other farmers did this exact same thing, imagine the power of our voices. Agriculture came together to fight back against Anheuser-Busch when they did the Bud...
Our garden was an overgrown, inconsistent producer with many areas that were hard to access and in constant need of weeding. Minibeds on Plastic changed it into a well-organized system that now produces an abundance of fruit and vegetables and very few weeds.It took a lot of work to get ...
I checked all my posts but I didn't see where I wrote about having standing water. They should be watered in every 8-10 days and water them enough so that it reaches the deep roots. These trees grow for many years so the roots go really deep. Raghunath NatarajanStartup Biz Hub - ...
The good news is that I paid just twenty cents per zucchini, because there's only so much you can charge for something that everybody else is desperately trying to offload for free. Clever and tasty ways to use up zucchini are everywhere this time of year, but many people are sick to ...
Use a sharp knife to cut the main head, retaining a portion of the stem, and expect smaller side shoots for later harvests from many varieties.To maximize quality, harvest in the cool morning hours.Check for hidden worms and select properly sized heads, typically 6 inches (15 cm) in ...
For many decades, oats have been a common cover crop because of their ability to quickly build biomass while suppressing weeds, absorb excessive nutrients in the soil, or serve as a mulch before growing low- or zero-till crops. As a high-biomass crop, planted in the spring, they will ...
Some lucerne varieties can reach maturity in as little as 6 weeks after being planted from seed. However, many species take anything from six months to two years to grow mature. When it comes to forage quality, it’s vital to remember that how tall alfalfa grows has a greater impact on ...