The current is said to be an alternating current because it rapidly changes direction. The power distribution grid delivers electricity at a consistent voltage (120 and 240 volts in the United States), but resistance (and therefore current) varies in a house. All of the different light bulbs ...
It also has the potential to support many devices, including Ethernet cards, USB 2 and video cards. But how can one serial connection be faster than the 32 wires of PCI or the 64 wires of PCIx? In the next section, we'll look at how PCIe is able to provide a vast amount of ...
Having a high-speed bus is as important as having a good transmission in a car. If you have a 700-horsepower engine combined with a cheap transmission, you can't get all that power to the road. There are many different types of buses. The idea of a bus is simple -- it lets you ...
Most instrumentation designed for AC power measurement has an input range of several hundred Volts. Higher voltages, above 1,000 VAC, typically require an external potential transformer (PT) to step the Voltage to be measured down to a range that is compatible with most instrumentation. Similar ...
Most instrumentation designed for AC power measurement has an input range of several hundred Volts. Higher voltages, above 1,000 VAC, typically require an external potential transformer (PT) to step the Voltage to be measured down to a range that is compatible with most instrumentation. Similar ...
At any one time, the world's total volume of water is in many different forms. It can be liquid, as in oceans, rivers and rain; solid, as in glaciers; or gaseous, as in the invisible water vapor in the air. Water changes states as it is moved around the planet by wind currents....
If the first coil has more turns that the second coil, the secondary voltage is smaller than the primary voltage: This is called a step-down transformer. If the second coil has half as many turns as the first coil, the secondary voltage will be half the size of the primary voltage; if...
Figure 4: The Bel/Signal Transformer DU1/4 is an open frame isolation transformer with a dual set of tapped primary and secondary windings. (Image source: Bel/Signal Transformer) The primary and secondary windings are identically rated at 0, 104, 110, and 120 volts. This permits series or...
The green wire is common, and the red wire supplies your phone with 6 to 12 volts DC at about 30 milliamps. If you think about a simple carbon granule microphone, all it is doing is modulating that current (letting more or less current through, depending on how the sound waves compress...
In many cases, humans are considered to be good conductors of electricity and provide a viable pathway for electrons to flow. If a person dies through electric shock, their death is classified as electrocution. What is the safe voltage for a human body? Voltages above 50 volts are dangerous...