Department of Veterans’ Affairs found that on average, 20 veterans a day die from suicide and that veterans’ risk of suicide is 22% higher than a non-veteran adult. [Pictured: People protest to stop the Transgender Military Ban] 2018: Space Force NASA/Bill Ingalls // Wikicommons 2018: ...
我接着体会到,现代奥运的奠基人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦当年头脑里正是孕育着卢兹这样的完美形象才说道:“奥运最重要的不是夺冠而是参与。生命最重要的不是征服而是奋力拼搏。” Translation for Text A Para. 19 childishly insisted nationalistic feelings at an all-time high disciplined myself with the Games in ...
safe and informed. Our politicians are so interested in their political agendas and they are simply not in tune with the needs of the very people who voted them into office. I suspect many don’t want to offend special interest groups
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
Agent Orange has been linked to many health problems in Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians. Thousands have died from conditions likely brought on by exposure to Agent Orange. The herbicide, and its component dioxin, is considered to be one of the most dangerous substances in the world ...
Fast forward 20 years. Chris, I mean Darrel is gone, [his nickname was Chris] but I still think of him. Usually two times a year. Memorial Day and Veterans Day and the month of December; the anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor.Get...
Many people have a background knowledge on the basis of what soldiers face each day, but they don’t have a clear understanding of what goes through these individual’s minds when they’re at war. O’Brien gives descriptive details on the soldiers’ true character by appealing to emotions,...
Suicide rates are staggering and scary. But for every person who kills themselves, 280 people face that same moment—and decide to walk away. Here, the side of the story you need to hear.
“Many people get discouraged when their weight loss journey isn’t linear. There may be weeks when your weight is a bit higher than it usually is, but it’s normal for weight to fluctuate from day to day and week to week," Riehm explains. Rather than focusing on a single number,...
Department of Veterans Affairs— If your loved one was a veteran, you should be eligible for VA benefits. The current maximum VA burial allowance is $2,000. Social Security— Surviving spouses or eligible children can receive a one-time death payment of $255. Depending on your situation, you...