Who is Thor married to in Norse mythology? Did Odin have a daughter? How many wives did Joseph have in the Old Testament? How many brothers does Zeus have? How many gods and goddesses are there in Roman mythology? Who is married to Loki in Norse mythology?
While poems describe Bloodaxe’s and Haakon’s many victories on earth, it was believed their greatest battles would be staged in the afterlife at Ragnarok. A Great Viking Death Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images The Ride of the Valkyries, from the collection of the National Museum...
The Valkyries are reminiscent of angels, the spiritual intermediaries between God and humans. In some stories, angels carry messages to mortals or protect them from harm. In other stories, they interact with the deceased, tormenting those who have sinned. The Angel of Death -- a spirit th...
According to Viking legends, aurora borealis (the northern lights) were reflections from the armor of valkyries, the goddesses who chose which warriors would die in battle. ©iStockphoto.com/ArildHeitmann When you think of vacation destinations, Norway's icy crags and well-below-freezing ...