grain production fell and was not nearly enough for a growing population. The result was afamineof unconscionable severity; the Great Leap Forward was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese deaths —maybe as many as 45 million— from the time it started in 1958...
14 2003 SPOK CNN_Insight #We also heard most from two adult women. How many younger women, how many girls, are press-ganged (ph) into the 15 2019 SPOK PBS_Newshour #24 hours a day in here. FRED-DE-SAM-LAZARO) : How many gallons of milk come out of this place? JOHN-ROSENOW) ...
“When enough stories like that started to pile up, doctors said, ‘Maybe there’s something here,’” says Stewart, an emergency medicine doctor and founder of Insight Ketamine in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Like the drug itself, Stewart got his start in combat medicine during the Vietnam War....
He baldly welcomed many of the deaths, especially when it came to enemies of the state, "kulaks," and "idlers" (those who did not work on the collective farms). He quoted Lenin in saying that, "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." Many consider the Great Famine nothing ...
Hillary's YouTube video has deleted because it was factual and it made hillary (progressives) look so bad - - response to the4 deaths in Benghazi. Hillary very much aware of what was going on and was even part of the cover-up. ...
Many brandish their cartel affiliations. Some pay for their transit by smuggling cartel fentanyl, which contributes to 100,000 American overdose deaths per year. Others sport lengthy criminal records. All seemed to have been welcomedoutof their countries by conniving Latin American governments and myst...
‘How the Many Can Defeat Corporate Money’, What Manufactured Home Community, Resident Groups Can, Should Consider Doing, Pushback Against Predatory Manufactured Home Community Operators, Robert Bob Van Cl...
1861-1865>{Natural Hygiene}The Civil War causes Health Spas everywhere to close. Two Civil War soldiers died of disease for every one killed in battle, or some 560,000 soldiers died from disease during the Civil War. About half of the deaths from disease during the Civil War were caused ...
Many Thai people behave rather selfish in traffic in various ways: when queuing in a jam, many won't give space for incoming traffic waiting to join the main road (rather: they may speed up not to leave a gap and let you go first). When making turns, they just put their vehicle in...
in 1945. Robert McNamara, who later served as US defence secretary in the Vietnam war, was on the staff of the air force general Curtis LeMay, who ordered the bombing of Tokyo. Many years later, in a superb film calledThe Fog of War, McNamara reflected on the bombing of Tokyo and ...