Mark Boal, "The Kill Team: How U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Murdered Innocent Civilians," Rolling Stone, 27 (March 2011), (accessed September 12, 2013).Boal, M. (2011, March 27). The kill team: How U.S. soldiers in...
Indeed, it would have been hard not to know about the murders, given that the soldiers of 3rd Platoon took scores of photographs chronicling their kills and their time in Afghanistan.The photos, obtained byRolling Stone,portray a front-line culture among U.S. troops i...
soldiers' "humanitarian" motive and are close to them. Besides these heroic pieces of propaganda, movies such as "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot" in 2016 were based on a journalist's true experiences in Afghanistan and show local people's real life in the country. However, such themes and plots...
How one US base in Afghanistan adopted two orphans; US soldiers in eastern Afghanistan pay two orphan boys a daya[euro]os wage to do odd jobs and stay in school. The young boys are trying to support their Afghan families. The Americans are trying to salvage a bit of the orphans' ...
Private contractors employed by the Defense Department in Afghanistan will continue to outnumber the size of the American troop presence, even after President Obama sends 30,000 more soldiers to fight in the war, according to the military’s most recent contractor count. ...
of “the News with Rick Sanchez” to share their analysis of problems in mainstream coverage of the slaughter of civilians by US drone strikes, the looming environmental catastrophe, inconsistencies in how victims of kidnapping are covered by the media and war coverage in Afghanistan and elsewhere....
The operations these highly skilled soldiers undertake can be lumped into three general groups: wartime operations, post-hostility/peacetime operations and humanitarian missions. The goals and parameters of an operation depend largely on the context in which the mission takes place. Operations may overla...
NATO peacekeeping forces are still on the ground and focused around guarding key landmarks from attacks. I saw Italian soldiers from NATO at two of the Serbian orthodox monasteries in the western part of the country during my visit. After having visited Kosovo I feel even stronger that this ...
Dioxin has dissipated in many areas, but concentrations of the poison are still high in some regions, particularly where South Vietnamese and U.S. soldiers stored Agent Orange. Much of the Vietnamese countryside has regrown, in part because of reforestation efforts by local and international ...
State Colin Powell and retired US Army Colonel, when speaking at the Ron Paul Institute in August 2018 on the threefold purposes of the US presence in Afghanistan, stated unabashedly that "the third reason we were there [in Afghanistan] is because there are 20 million Uyghurs [in Xinjiang]....