s forces against warships as well as merchant shipping during WW II. Appendix 3 is a roster of ships damaged or sunk by these attacks and it goes for a bit over two pages of fine print type. Thiele also labored to compare German records against Allied records rewarding us with as much ...
That is, those who are born SUPERNATURALLY as Isaac was, now through Christian baptism, as St Paul teaches in Galatians, are the SEED of Abraham. So you better not CURSE us Christians dear Aaron or YOU will be cursed. This is a warning to you to REPENT of you many sins. +Brother ...
I thnk that Anon is forgetting that Chavez is saying all this anti American rhetoric because he has nothing else to give his population. He hasn’t addressed the murder rate in Venezuela despite it being the worst in latin America. He is happier to import as many guns as possible so that...