Drug overdose is now the leading cause of non-medical death in the United States. As of 2021, it was only slightly less deadly than all homicides, suicides, and motor-vehicle fatalitiescombined. Drugs still cause addiction, of course, and addiction still hurts addicts and society. But, likely...
It's not as if you've seen accountants working with the other investigators at acrime scene. Forensic just means "relating to the application of scientific knowledge to a legal problem" or "usable in a court of law." Most crimes, such as homicides, investigated on a show like "CSI" are...
Community, perhaps the most important purpose of democratic politics and government, is fading. Community was the vision in 1776 when our founders included “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one) in the Great Seal of the United States. We cannot achieve the One without first recognizing we ar...
Many people dream of exploring the historic landmarks, rich cultures, and stunning landscapes that Europe has to offer. However,a significant change is on the horizonthat will impact how New Yorkers and millions of other Americans travel to the Schengen area of Europe. TheSchengen area of Europ...
effectiveness of punishment was measured by a single item, also adapted from Kuiper et al. (2023), measured on a seven-point Likert scale from (1) Strongly Disagree to (7) Strongly Agree: “I believe doubling sentences will be effective in reducing [burglaries/armed robberies/homicides].” ...
Claire McCaskill: This has nothing to do with anyone who stepped across the border while Joe Biden was president. This is for people who have been here for over 10 years, who are married and many instances have children that both their spouses and their children are United States citizens....
Many Hillside students learned via social media that Feaster, who attended the school, had died. Melvin says when she walked into the drama room at Hillside later that day her fellow performers looked “frightened, hurt, and scared.”
The majority of states do not require sellers or their agents to disclose occurrences like homicides, felonies, suicides, or natural deaths that occurred on a property or any rumored paranormal activity associated with it. Some states even say a seller or agent cannot be held legally liable for...