More and more women are deciding their path to happily-ever-after isn't down the aisle. Why are so many women getting married later in life - or not at all - and are there consequences?
1.Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most ...
Of course, there are some rules from your other Columbia essays that also apply here: be specific, demonstrate your engagement, and do your research. Studying abroad appeals to a lot of people–10-16%of all undergraduates do it. Consequently, stating simply a “desire to explore other perspec...
Studies on well-being have been grounded on two different philosophical approaches: the hedonic perspective, which defines well-being as the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain, and the eudaimonic perspective, which conceptualizes well-being as the extent to which an individual achieves their...
In the Internet age, some online factors, such as online self-presentation, related to life satisfaction have received much attention. However, it is uncle
a molecular biologist at Princeton University, says that most people have no idea of the skills needed to succeed in science.“I get these undergraduates in my office saying they are trying to decide between medicine and science,” Dr.Tilghman said.“They say, „I really want to go into ...
Princeton University charged $47,140 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking standard course loads. The University of Pennsylvania charged $53,534 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking standard course loads. Yale University charged $51,400 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking stand...
Accordingly, I had arrived at the venue prepared to spend the evening with some serious nerds. As it turns out, however, I was in for a surprise. Upon walking through the door that night, I was immediately struck by how many of the other students I knew socially. These were people ...
Princeton University charged $47,140 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking standard course loads. The University of Pennsylvania charged $53,534 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking standard course loads. Yale University charged $51,400 in tuition and fees to undergraduates taking stand...
Instead, this book reveals—for the first time—the study habits used by real straight-Acollege students.All of the advice that follows was distilled from a series of interviews I conducted with a large group of top-scoring undergraduates. These participants were drawn predominantly from the Phi...