Once you know that changing university course is the right thing for you, bear in mind that there are several practical aspects you need to consider before you commit to switching university courses. Firstly, ask yourselfwhyyou want to change to this course. Be brutally honest about your reason...
Clearing is a system that matches applicants to university courses that aren’t full. Clearing begins after the typical deadline of June 30 passes and runs from July 5 to mid-October. This means that if you haven’t gotten a spot in a university or college in the UK, you change your m...
students' summaries of academic and research achievements, as well as their enthusiasm and learning interests towards the applied university. Many academic cases provided in the lecture
Additional support at university Many higher education students do not get the extra support they need to succeed in higher education, including extra help from their university, and the Government's Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA). People who have claimed DSA include students with a wide rang...
Many lodgers will only need a room during the week, meaning that if your child wants to come home at the weekend, they would still be able to. Source:money.co.uk Check out ourstudent finance guide for parents. We also send monthly newsletters to keep you up to speed with your child'...
Consistently, the top two universities in the UK are The University of Oxford and The University of Cambridge who, year by year, jostle for the top place on UK rankings list. However, the UK contains many top-scoring universities. To find out more, click here. ...
Insights | UK University16 Apr, 2024The United Kingdom is well known for its excellent universities, many of which excel in the field of Business and Business Studies. Careers in the field of business and management are known for their high starting salaries, rapid progression and access to a...
2. University halls For the majority of first year students, student halls are the “go to” accommodation option. There are many positives to taking this choice, the main one being that the blocks are often on campus, close to lecture theatre buildings – meaning that you can get out of...
Luxury hotels, fancy restaurants, and the opportunity to apply for jobs all over the world - it’s no wonder that every year around 9,000 students apply through UCAS to study for a degree in Hospitality, Leisure and/or Tourism.
Two points about that. First, in practice many of these students would only have a £3,500 annual debt, because living cost debt take-up is lower in this group, presumably because many have all their living costs met by their parents. But the second is the more important. Low income ...