This is why so many beginners hit a plateau of their skills when they hit 80% or 90% confidence about the ID of an animal, but they can’t quite get their ID skills to where they have 100% certainty & accuracy about what animal made the track. And when it comes to tracking, anythi...
Animal life is varied, although nocturnal habits conceal many of the animals from visitors to the valley.Rabbits and several types of rodents, including antelope ground squirrels, kangaroo rats, and desert wood rats, are present and are the prey of coyotes, kit foxes, and bobcats. What is the...
How many species of dinosaurs were there? What is the difference between a paleontologist and a paleoanthropologist? How has convergent evolution shaped marsupial diversity? How are coyotes and wolves different? How did Jurassic dinosaurs live?
What is the lifespan of a red wolf? How fast can a gray wolf run? How big do dingoes get? What is a gray wolf also called? What is the scientific name for wolf? What are the largest wolves in the world? How many different types of wolves are there?
As pet owners, we do whatever it takes to keep our pets safe. We ensure they have all of their shots and are protected from fleas and ticks. But there is a predator out in full force this time of year. How do you protect your pets from coyotes?
and hair in the animal kingdom. It also applies to a cat’s lips. Melanism isn’t always an all-or-nothing thing. Think about the color variations you see in many species, such as coyotes, chinchillas, and cats. Scientists refer to this trait as polymorphism for melanism or multiple ...
The easiest way to detect the gender of an adult skeleton is to simply look at the size of the bones -- males' bones are normally larger, as are the areas where muscle connections are made. There are many differences in the pelvic bone, the most obvious of which is the size of the ...
Store-bought deterrents:There are many products you can buy online or at your local garden center designed to repel wildlife such as raccoons. They usually come in the form of liquid sprays. Predator urine:The scent of urine from predators (wolves, coyotes, or bobcats) fools raccoons into th...
Going far beyond the cozy lap dog, Coppinger and Feinstein are equally fascinated by what we can learn from the adaptations of dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, dingoes, and even pumas in the wild, as well as the behavior of working animals like guarding and herding dogs.We cherish dogs as...