Mix equal parts of water and raw, unfiltered apple cider. Add a little honey. Apply it on the infected skin and let it stay within fifteen to twenty minutes, then wash it off. Do this one time per day till you see the improvement as desired. Alternatively, add 1 or 2 tsps. of org...
I was rereading this post from 7 years ago (!) and realized that very little has changed regarding gluten-free (gf) flours. This is definitely worth a read imho if you’d like to learn about gf flours. In some ways, so many things have changed. There are many more gf products in ...
months or even years. To address these stubborn scars, many people rely on costly treatments and chemical creams. If you would like to find a safer alternative to get rid of the scars, try these simple yet useful natural treatments.
First, try mixing 3 tbsps. of fresh cream with 1 tbsp. each of honey and avocado pulp in a blender to create a paste. Use it to apply directly onto your skin and let it stay for at least half an hour. Use lukewarm water to rinse it off. Use it a few times throughout the week...
“Swish” and drink a few more sips of water to prevent the acid from affecting tooth enamel and irritating your throat. Have you used ACV to improve your digestion? How did it go!? Please share with us in the comments below!