A tablespoon is a big spoon that’s used to serve food. In many English-speaking areas, the word currently refers to a big serving spoon, while in others, such as portions of Canada, it refers to the largest kind of eating spoon. By extension, the word is also used as a volume mea...
Saunf / Fennel Seeds / Sombu -1 tsp Spice Packet included in the noodles Water to cook noodles and to cook veggies Oil – 2 tbsp How to Make Instant Noodles Step 1 Boil lots of water in a sauce pan. Add noodles packet in that water and cook exactly till the time given in the packe...
1/2 TSP Baking Soda 1 TBL Saline Solution Food Coloring {we used green and black- you can buy black liquid food coloring in the grocery store now or see below!} Zombie Brain mold Click here to get your free printable Halloween Slime Challenge! Pin I think the color of the zombie slime...
You can cook a batch of beans and freeze them in small containers to keep in the freezer. And cooking your own beans eliminates the cans that fill up your recycling container! How many cooked beans equals one can of beans? I freeze my cooked beans in small freezer containers that hold 2...
1 tbl glycerin 1 – 2 tsp essential oils, optional Directions: 1. Grate the soap. I used my Cuisinart for the first two batches which was pretty wild. The soap grated up up into a fine powder that floated about my kitchen. It smelled heavenly – clean and fresh – but it looked like...
1 tsp fresh oregano 1 tbl Cajun seasoningMarinate quail over night in plastic bag. Preheat grill to at least 400 degrees. Cook 3-4 minutes a side or until internal temperature is 165 degrees.Quail FAQsWhat is a baby quail called?A
Great recipe! My wife and I added 3/4 tsp of mustard for a little different flavor. Thanks for your amazing website! Log in to Reply September 23, 2013 NewlyMarried Hi ManjulaAunty, I’ve been married for about 7 months now and I’m so thankful for you. Everytime I make one of ...
There are so many ways to enjoy roasted garlic. By roasting the garlic cloves in a large quantity, you’ll have all the magic of roasted garlic when you need it. It’s also worth mentioning; you can freeze individual roasted garlic cloves as indicated on the recipe card. ...
1.27TransformaKeyCode!toaString8 1.28UsetheundocumentedINDIRECTkeyword9 1.29Encrypt/Decryptastring10 1.30Checkifaneventissupportedbyanobject10 1.31Checkifanobjectdefinitionexists11 1.32Haveabuttonwithmanylines11 1.33DisplayPowerbuilderseasteregg11 1.34CloseawindowwithESC12 1.35Terminateananotherapplication12 1.36...
1 Tbl fresh lemon juice 1 tsp dijon mustard 1 pinch sea salt Instructions Stir chia seeds into quarter cup of water and let sit for about 5-10 minutes. After the water thickens and the chia seeds become gel-like, add to a food processor along with the yogurt, lemon juice, dijon...