laying the foundation for this study’s subsequent research. However, some areas in the previous literature still need to be explored further. First, among the many factors that influence carbon emissions from agriculture, the role of digital transformation in agriculture has rarely been discussed...
Changes in productilvity, whether per hectare or per capita, were very limited. i As a result, India seemed i,exorably marching toward a malthusian nightmare whose potential extent was revealed �by the unprecedented drought of the 1960s. The situation dgrew worse because of the stag ation...
However, in 1998 the number of farmers per extension agent in the NEP far exceeded the ratio under the SG program, thus likely hindering the quality of extension.;Another concern regarding long-term production of high-input technology is whether the input market in 1998 forced many farmers to ...
Maize is a staple food in many parts of the world. It’s consumed directly by humans and also used for corn ethanol, animal feed, corn starch, bourbon whiskey, and corn syrup. Ready to eat! RICE There are only two species of cultivated rice in the world, Oryza sativa (Asian rice) an...