Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. TopicsSick Daycold and fluinfectious diseasesCOVID-19 More from Self What Happens If You Get CO...
This meant that my first performance after my triumphant return to the Chicago theatre scene was given through a thick DayQuil-induced haze. I drifted across the stage, delivering my lines in what I believed was the correct order and contorting my face into my best attempt at “expressions.”...
Toflatten the curve of armchair epidimiology, I should recognize, as a tech guy, I’m clearly not qualified to speculate as to which country’s systems better handled this epidemic. Much is still unknown about the virus itself, the numbers behind it. And political intrigue still abounds in ...
And many others! To Use Before heading off to work, school, or just out for errands, take a dropperful of elderberry elixir to help strengthen your immunity throughout the day as a preventative. During cold and flu, take the elixir 3-5 times a day to help shorten duration and support ...
The Doctor thought initially it to was Pneumonia but was curious about something behind my sternum. He said “Hmmm. thats interesting”, not what you want to hear your doctor say, by the way. He said that I should go to the emergency room right away. So I went. The rest is history....
You can get about 20% of that from food, but the rest should come from drinks. Have at least eight glasses of water daily to help drain the fluids from your nose. You’ll feel better when your body is hydrated![1] If you’re sick, you may need even more water to keep your ...