And this time, just for old times sake, rather than argue, we decided to humor this guy, and we threw our nets on the other side of the boat – and wouldn’t you know it – we caught so many fish, we couldn’t draw the net into the boat! I looked up at this man – and fo...
I believe God is big enough to carry our doubts, criticisms, anger, confusion, and frustration, but there often seems to be no explanation as to why things happen. Yes, we are free to question God, but we need to develop patience for God will reveal the answers only when we are ready...
Just because it is not the most used word in the Bible does not mean God’s Word is silent on the subject; in fact, Scripture has a lot to say about love. Some verses, like Deuteronomy 6:5 show that love requires choice and action, “You shall love the Lord your God with ...
There are many ways we may be fighting spiritual battles in our lives and world today, but here are 5 examples from Scripture that may reveal you’re under attack and caught in spiritual warfare. Then use the 7 tools God gives us to fight.
“God, I’m sorry for… (the times I’ve failed to love others as You have loved me.)” “Father, forgive me for… (not trusting in Your promises and relying on my own strength.)” “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” ...
Study #1 key point:If we do not forgive others, God will NOT forgive us. The model prayer Part of the model prayer tells us to forgive each other—forgive the people who wronged or sinned against us. NOTE: The prayer in Luke 11:1–4 is different from the prayer in Matthew 6:9–15...
Unless otherwise specified, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. The Scripture quotation marked NASB is taken from The New American Standard Bible. Enter Through the Narrow Gate Jesus Christ is that Gate. He is the only way to Heaven. How do you enter ...
Many times we realized that we, as well as our fellow workers at the other stations, were kept from serious harm only by the overruling, protecting power of God in answer to the many prayers which were going up for us at this critical juncture in the history of our mission. The followin...
They condemn what they do not understand. —Marcus Tullius Cicero 80 Even if we were not sinful by nature, the sin of having private property would suffice to condemn us before God; for that which he gives us freely, we appropriate to ourselves. —Huldrych Zwingli ...
For some, sticking to a new habit may be difficult without help. However, if we dedicate times to study with someone else or with a study group, we now have accountability. The major benefit of studying with others is the addition of new perspectives. Stuck on a verse or not understanding...