The rising cost of everything, particularly groceries due to the current inflation issue has left many families here in the Tri-State dealing with food insecurity, some of which may have never dealt with it before. According to Feeding America, 579,770 people in Kentucky are facing hunger, an...
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is now available in every single zip code in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Here's how to sign up for free books!
(the local chamber of commerce may be able to help you with this). big events (for example, the kentucky derby in louisville) may mean sold-out hotels, high airfares and heavy traffic—not what you'll want to deal with on your wedding weekend. and if you're hosting a destination ...
Working in the Coal Mines Posted on January 7, 2022 Do you have ancestors that worked in the coal mines of Appalachia? I recently had the opportunity to write a piece for the Kentucky Genealogical Society about the coal miners of Harlan County, Kentucky. The link to read it is below. ...
Eugene Volokh
It affords a means of expression for individuality and originality in the same way that it does for the lonely New England women and for the isolated mountaineers of Kentucky. Harriet Beecher Stowe, immortalized by “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” produced other stories, not now so familiar to us ...
The Great River Road often hugs the river for miles; at other times it seeks high ground. In the Kentucky stretch, to see the river you must take a side trip, say, to the Columbus-Belmont State Park, peaceful now but not always—some of its gentle hills are trench walls from the...
Kentucky PerKentucky Revised Statute 324.162established in 2003, real estate agents are not required to disclose upfront any stigmas about a home, such as a murder, suicide, or violent crime that occurred on the property, but must answer any direct inquiries truthfully. ...
Democrats now hold only three of the 25 governorships across the Trump 25 states (in Kentucky, Kansas and North Carolina). In states where Democrats not long ago at the least remained competitive for governor and other statewide offices (most prominently Florida and Ohio, but also Montana, Io...
in Florida, surviving spouses are entitled to receive a reduction in the taxable value of a property they own by $500 each year, in perpetuity or until they remarry.14