At the end of our third season, I made the choice to have my Doctor regenerate. Since then, I’ve switched chairs from Doctor to Gamemaster (well, Gamemissy). This means that rather than the Doctor, I’ve taken on the role of head storyteller for the show. To put this into show te...
This can lead to the syndrome referred to as “leaky gut”, which increases the likelihood of foreign proteins entering the bloodstream resulting in inflammation, food intolerances, a myriad of digestive problems, autoimmune disease, and other associated imbalances. If you or a loved one find your...
Besides diet and regular exercise, getting enough sleep is also a must.During sleep, the body regenerates itself, by producing GnRH, LH, FSH, testosterone, estrogen, DHT, GHas well as other hormones and chemicals. Testosterone levels are at their highest in the morning because of which you ...
For many of us, the path to achieving clear skin can be a turbulent one. There are a number of factors that can easily trigger skin. Acne or other skin blemishes, such as blackheads or whiteheads, are highly common skin conditions that are likely to impact all of us at some time or ...
“three”, 四 (sì) “four”, 五 (wǔ) “five”, and so on, which is a logical starting point.As I’ve recommended elsewhere, you can practise this sequence by counting how many steps you take to the grocery store, how many eggs go into your omelette, or how many seconds you ...
encouraging people to consider fashion jobs away from the city, which improves local areas. By offering young people in your local area the chance to gain experience and employment in the fashion industry, this will help to regenerate the community and boost your reputation on a local and ...
Meghan BartelsFlorence Fu
regenerate soils provide high quality nutrition to an increasingly diseased and nutrient deficient population Reduce the need for fossil fuels and fossil-based fertilizer, providing natural fertizlizer Mono-agriculture, which predominates US farmland (90%) ...
At 18, Katie Stubblefield lost her face. At 21, she became the youngest person in the U.S. to undergo the still experimental surgery. Follow her incredible story.
I've learned that instead of merely taking passive breaks by scrolling through social media or watching TV, taking breaks to do activities such as stretching, quick workouts, or even a quick video game helps to regenerate my mind and body, as these breaks are no longer just pauses but re-...