(Many shells also support ==, but a single equal-sign is posixly correct.)Bad (readability):test -n "$s" test -z "$s" [ -n "$s" ] [ -z "$s" ] Plain wrong (always true):test -n $s [ -n $s ] Shellharden replaces the -z/-n flags with their equivalent string ...
It not only keeps bugs out, but can prevent squirrel and raccoon infestations, which often bring fleas, ticks and other insects into the home [source: Potter]. Look for large holes on the roof, which are often found at the chimney and roof vents. A pre-fabricated chimney cap can be ...
Tick Size:Thetick sizerefers to the minimum price change of a futures contract. In other words, the smallest amount that the price of a particular contract can fluctuate. For instance, the E-mini S&P 500 has a tick size equal to one-quarter of an indexpoint. As one index point equals ...
If Ymin is less than 5/6 of the Ymax, the automatic minimum Y axis scale value is zero. If Ymin is 5/6 of Ymax or greater, then the automatic minimum Y axis scale value is the first major unit less than or equal to Ymin – (Ymax – Ymin)/20 (the two MSDN articles have an...
Clock rates are typically measured in hertz (Hz). One Hz is equal to one tick per second, 10 Hz equals 10 ticks per second, one GHz equals one billion ticks per second, and so on. A “tick” refers to the switch of a signal that turns on and off each time an action, task, or...
InvalidOperationException: 'The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.' How to solve ViewBox with Grid scaling How to specify a 'shared resource' in a WPF class library? How to specify greater than or equal to in xml? How to speed up ProgressBar animation ...
InvalidOperationException: 'The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.' How to solve ViewBox with Grid scaling How to specify a 'shared resource' in a WPF class library? How to specify greater than or equal to in xml? How to speed up ProgressBar animation ...
In most circumstances, this doesn't matter. But say the stock has fallen by 10% from theprior close priceat one point in the day. Then the upticks matter because a trader could only short if the price is on an uptick. Essentially this means they can only get filled on theofferside....
inttn_sys_tslice_ticks(intpriority,intvalue){TN_INTSAVE_DATA TN_CHECK_NON_INT_CONTEXT tn_disable_interrupt();if(priority<=0||priority>=TN_NUM_PRIORITY-1||value<0||value>MAX_TIME_SLICE)returnTERR_WRONG_PARAM;tn_tslice_ticks[priority]=value;tn_enable_interrupt();returnTERR_NO_ERR;} ...
11.1.1 Limitations of Shell Scripts The Bourne shell manipulates commands and files with relative ease. In 2.14 Shell Input and Output, you saw the way the shell can redirect output, one of the important elements of shell script programming. However, the shell script is only one tool for Uni...