Be prepared for the temple exit. First, find out where the bride and groom will be exiting. Many temples have a separate bride and groom exit to remove the chaos from the entrance. Make sure the friends and family are there and your settings are correct. This will be the first time ma...
Arthur Shivers: Muscle Recovery Staying fit as you age: Palm Health shares tips for … Trending Topics: Jimmy Kimmel explains distaste for … Talk like a Grizzled Old Prospector Day Tim History: Bubble Wrap Suit Comedian Ryan Beck joins the show ...
have a child who identifies as LGBTQ. With this identification come many heartfelt questions, concerns, and discussions as our child navigates their own decisions on their terms. Elder Quentin L. Cook challenges, “Let us be at the forefront in terms of expressing love, compassion, and outreach...
“Zion” has been a treasured concept to me for many years, the desire of my heart (and even a favorite word.) The Lord even walked me out of Babylon when I made it clear to Him I was committed to Zion and so I found myself divorced after 34 years. He will test us to see if...
Young, Brigham. 1853. “Necessity of building temples; the endowment (Oration delivered in the South-East Cornerstone of the Temple at Great Salt Lake City, after the First Presidency and the Patriarch had laid the Stone, 6 April 1853).” InJournal of Discourses. 26 vols. Vol. 2, 29...
. Since the Provo Temple always stood in paired contrast to Ogden’s, its identity is inevitably diminished by the loss of its sister. I’m sure many people will prefer the new Ogden Temple to the old, but in the long run it will likely be just one more among the many...
Kimball; Temples of the Most High Sent to accept dedication of the Kirtland temple. Unnamed angel Biography and Family Records of Lorenzo Snow Visited Joseph three times; commanded him to practice plural marriage, as previously revealed by the Lord. Although keys, instructions, or information ...