but kanaris and de villesr also think there may also be individual and couple-specific factors that tend to be overlooked when couples evaluate their sex lives. medications, such as antidepressants, can inhibit libido. "env...
These cyclic antidepressants work the same way as reuptake inhibitors, but they have a broader range of action on more kinds of brain chemicals. So, even though they work as well as the newer antidepressants for depression symptoms, they can have more serious side effects. They are also a lo...
Eventually, they were used as general pick-me-ups, antidepressants and diet pills. In the 1930s, you could buy amphetamine over the counter to treat nasal congestion, under the brand-name Benzedrine. Nazi leaders distributed millions of doses of methamphetamine in tablets called Pervitin to ...
Waking up to pee at night and hot flashes are just two things that can ruin your night's rest. Here's how to solve these, and other common sleep issues.
Suicide rates are staggering and scary. But for every person who kills themselves, 280 people face that same moment—and decide to walk away. Here, the side of the story you need to hear.
That means parents need to have the “suicide talk” with their teens just like they have conversations about sex and drugs, Prinstein said. “There are simple, proven steps everyone can take to lower their risk and the risk of family and friends from dying by suicide,” Baker, also assist...
so is therapy. Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy can help you identify and target negative thinking so you can ensure it doesn't influence how you perceive and respond to situations. In many cases, medications like antidepressants are also necessary to help stabilize moods and alleviate sy...
Suicide is more common at certain ages: People in their teens and 20s, as well as older adults, are most likely to attempt or complete suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people ages 15-24, and the second leading cause for people ages 25-34. Older men (>75 years...
If you've ever taken prescription painkillers, antidepressants or certain antibiotics, chances are you've seen that familiar warning label: "Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages When Taking This Medication." Many over-the-counter medicines, including antihistamines, decongestants and cough syrup, can also...
Antidepressants are the most common drugs prescribed for treating eating disorders. Because eating disorders are a psychological issue, treating stress, anxiety, or depression may often be critical when addressing the root of the issue. In severe cases, other types of medication may be needed to ...