And there are early signs that the pandemic may have helped speed up that drop. Although the number of smokers rose again after the striking drop when lockdown was first announced, they remained consistently below pre-pandemic levels. People aged 60 and over are significantly less lik...
According to a 2022 study,32% of New South Wales teenagersaged between 14 and 17 years have tried vaping at least once. A 2017national studyfound13% of 12 to 17-year-oldshad tried it. Unfortunately, our survey research also shows vaping is common among teenagers. But it also tell us yo...
You may have to rearrange them more than once to find the best fit.[14] For example, suppose your research indicated that teenagers who vaped were more likely to switch to regular cigarettes if someone in their household smoked. The category covering teenage vapers' exposure to tobacco or ...