How many teats do goats have? If you breed goats long enough, you will eventually see a third teat or other goat udder abnormality. You weren’t expecting a third teat when you flipped over that new kid, were you? If they breed goats long enough, every person is going to see a third...
Ever though we do things in a very Natural manner here, when it comes to kidding, this is not place it stand back and not become involved. I would not expect a human mother-to-be to give birth alone, without, at least, the aid of a midwife. The same goes for our goats. We are...
Human beings love dairy. It has been a part of our diet for centuries, and is used in many recipes in many cultures across the globe. Dairy is important to us. In fact, we are actually hardwired to have a weakness for the stuff, genetically programmed to enjoy things like milk and ch...
Many essential oils can be added to soap at 3% of the total recipe by weight. It’s more than enough to scent your bars beautifully :) Reply Kimberly Burt says: I appreciate you posting your soap recipes! I’ve tried others and have had much disappointment. The goats milk recipe had ...
unnecessary and could possibly damage the udder. I have never had a case of mastitis caused by not stripping out the last of the milk and I have been milking goats since 1995. I milk until I pretty much cannot get any more milk out, and then I just stop and dip the teats (see ...
Handled this way, the milk is perfectly safe to drink. Many people are concerned about the possible risks of drinking raw milk. The truth is that the few Salmonella outbreaks in recent years have actually come from pasteurized milk. While I prefer raw milk, you can absolutely use pasteurized...
lumpiness or graininess. If there is, she’s probably had mastitis or nursed lambs that had sore mouth disease. Reject her. It is too much effort for a beginner to raise lambs from a ewe that can’t produce milk. Tiny extra odd-shaped and odd-spaced teats will rarely be a problem unl...
Goats are ruminants with four stomachs. Quality feed is a must, so do not skimp on this! Good food means good milk production. Different goat breeds have different milk capacities; be aware of this when choosing your goat herd for the purposes of producing goat milk. Know the signs of mas...
There are many breeders of these goats all around the country. Shop around for a good deal on a healthy goat. 6 Keep does and bucks separate. If you have both bucks and does, you'll need to house them separately, due to the bucks' aggressive nature. This is doubly true if you don...