Dodoitsu is a Japanese-style poem of four lines with seven syllables each in the first three lines, and five syllables in the fourth. It is untitled, often written about love or work, but can be written on any theme. There is often a comical twist at the end. Posted inDaily Haiku,Do...
If you are not sure how many syllables are in a word, you can check out your word onMirriam-Webster, an on-line dictionary. You might find that the practice of writing haiku is meditative and a little addicting. It's great practice for using language to show but not tell. The art of...
In this type we find many words with gapIn a hiatus there are two vowels together but they are pronounced in different syllables. Sometimes in the gaps it is necessary to put the tilde to know that there is a separation between the vowels, Even if the word ends in a vowel, you als...
To ears in the United Kingdom, it’s more like eeehoou (or perhaps, eeeyore—remember Winnie the Pooh? it’s all making more sense!) and to those in Italy, it’s ioh ioh. Germans express it as iaah iaah and in French it’s hihan. Give a good nasally blow in two syllables,...
But wait—we said a haiku follows the structure abovein English. What about in Japanese? In Japanese, a haiku consists of seventeenon(phonetic units in Japanese poetry similar to syllables) arranged in the familiar five-seven-five pattern. In many cases—but not all cases—a Japanese word ha...
There are now 4000 possible CVC syllables; yet without varying any other parameters, we would still expect only 270 matches. But the number of phonetic matches is not really independent of the phonology we use. In a five-vowel system, a phonetic leeway of 3 per sound matches means (e.g...
#6: Make it as short as possible — both in terms of letters andsyllables. This plays into some of the other factors we’ve covered: shorter usually means easier to spell, remember, and brand. But a short name also makes it easier to fit into your social handles — for example, Twitt...
The schwa sound (the muffled /uh/ sound of vowels in unaccented syllables) causes words like complement and compliment to be pronounced alike.How Are Homophones Different from Homographs and Homonyms?Good question! Let’s look at homographs first.Homographs...
syllables in poetry is the work of ee Cummings. Although it’s called nonsense poetry, his work is far from it. Rather, much of his verse communicates what many express in long sentences in just a few noises. Consider his poem, “13”, and how particular syllables evoke certain emotions:...
Syllables in word:do “1st word” then # of fingers on arm for syllable Right word or phrase:touch nose and point at the person Close by not quite right:rolling arm towards you Tool long of word:point and chop Too short of word:point and stretch hands apart ...