In 2013, the 34-hour reset rule was passed into law as HOS regulations. However, it was suspended by Congress in the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. The 2013 provisions were scrapped, including the rule that the 34-hour reset should have two different periods between 1:00 am and 5:00 ...
Not every worker is eligible for job protection under the FMLA. Employers with fewer than 50 employees are not mandated to follow FMLA law; only employers that have had at least 50 employees for at least 20 weeks in the current or previous year must comply with the FMLA. As an employ...
Many mortgage preapprovals are valid for 90 days, though some lenders will only authorize a 30- or 60-day preapproval. If your preapproval expires, getting it renewed can be as simple as your lender rechecking your credit and finances to ensure there have been no major changes to your si...
Many people ask how to apply for short-term disability while making a faulty assumption that puts their families in a precarious financial bind. You cannot file a claim for benefits if you do not have coverage, and you must show evidence of good health to buy a new policy! State-mandated...
When opening a checking account, pay attention to potential fees. Many banks offer fee-free accounts, but you have to look for them. You also need to be aware of overdraft fees. If you spend more money than you have in your account, the bank might let the transaction go through, but ...
going solar can also make financial sense in states with less sunshine, especially if you pay high electricity rates or have access to multiple incentive programs. For example, Connecticut may not see as many sunshine hours as Nevada when you factor in the winter months, but the state’s elec...
The subsequent 11-plus years have seen me revisit social-media privacy many times–along with such other perennial topics as data caps, out-of-reach broadband, the apparently-unlimited interpretations of “unlimited data” on wireless plans, different options to buy new iPhones, and the stupid pr...
Honestly, I’ve gottenso many good deals from The RealReal.I recently bought a pair of Diane Von Furstenberg pants that everyone compliments for $75. They came unworn, with the tags and normally retail over $300. It's easy to stay on budget AND get the clothes you want if you're wil...
Windows 10 and Windows 11 have had their share of problems. According to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), the operating system experienced 1394 security vulnerabilities in 2024. Microsoft quickly moves in to fix many of these security holes in the system, so it’s essential to st...
“it's not about the types of masks. we don’t even measure individual use of masks. we look at whether states have mandated people should use them in public and compare them before and after,” says george wehby, a professor of health policy and management at the university of iowa ...