In June 2022 the US Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion, known as the Roe v Wade ruling, leaving the decision to individual states. As a result, 14 of the 50 US states banned abortion at all stages of pregnancy with very limited exceptions...
"we plan to communicate heavily on the issue heading into 2024." why it matters the 2022 supreme court decision has deepened the cultural divide between conservative and liberal states. many states under democratic control, such as new york, california and maryland, have enacted additional ...
The past few years in reproductive rights have been...grim. To date, 17 states have banned or seriously restricted abortion sincethe Supreme Court overturnedRoe v. Wadein 2022. (Six of these state bans offer no exception for the health of the mother.) What has this meant for abortion acc...
Meanwhile, states that scored the lowest in the Best States for Gender Equality, including Idaho, Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana and Utah, have either severely restricted or banned abortion completely since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, although some restrictions have been temporarily blocke...
Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, states could impose certain restrictions as long as the right to an abortion remained intact. Legislators in predominantly Republican states such as Texas tended to pass bills putting limits on abortion, many of which have resulted in legal challenges and small...
If Abortion Were Banned, and This Mom Had Died, How Is That Pro-Life?
abortion access At least 13 states have banned most abortions in the nine months following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last year. Last
6 As of June 2023, 14 states have banned abortion completely, and only 5 states have no restrictions.1 In other states, the legality of abortion is determined by the number of weeks of pregnancy. As a pharmacist, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with...
voters inmany states resoundinglyelected officials who stood for abortion rightsover those who vowed to enact restrictions. Yet, state lawmakers elsewhere implementeddraconian abortion bansthat would have been unconstitutional under Roe v. Wade, and we saw officials go to great lengths to prosecute, ...
Abortions have increased since the fall of Roe v Wade and the restrictions on abortion rights in 21 states across the country that followed. To be sure, in those states that have banned abortion after six weeks, there were 115,000 fewer abortions. That includes nearly 37,000 fewer in Texas...