Back in 1977, the film now known as Star Wars: A New Hope introduced audiences to a galaxy far, far away, with its own planets, alien species, political system, and other concepts such as the Force. Lucasfilm continued expanding this new universe with Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back ...
What are black holes made of? A stellar black hole forms when a massive star dies and its matter is squished together into an incredibly tiny space. How many black holes are there? Scientists estimate that in our own Milky Way galaxy alone, there's anywhere from 10 million to a billion...
–How many galaxies are there? –Hubble’s law: Why are most galaxies moving away from us? –How black holes and galaxies play tug-of-war across the cosmos As the gas collapsed and its density increased, some stars formed very early on, before the gas had stabilised into a rotating disc...
How Many Canon Star Wars Games Are There? Considering Star Wars has been making its way to video game consoles for over four decades at this point, there are a lot of Star Wars games spread across the history of the series. To be specific, there are well over100 Star Wars games ...
“I think taking the player out of the experience into a loading screen kind of kills the immersion a little bit,” says Frank. While there technically are loading barriers between regions of space, they are disguised by Star Wars’ iconic hyperspace visuals, which ensures ...
Star Warssometimes gets teased by fans for spendingway too much time on desert planetswhile there’s a wealth of colorful, vivid possibilities in a galaxy of limitless imagination. But how much time exactly doesGeorge Lucas’ universe spend in the desert? Is it really all that much? Or are...
"There are many more planets in our galaxy we haven't found yet, as many as 100 billion to 200 billion," says NASA Planet Hunter Dr. Jessie Christiansen. "It's mind-blowing." We've come a long way since the first...
The Map’s Significance The latest iteration of Schwarz’s Star Wars galaxy map encompasses all known planets from the movies, TV shows, sourcebooks, and comics. While some newly introduced planets like Seatos from “Ahsoka” are not precisely located due to limited information, the map’s ...
Different rooting materials and soils are better than others when it comes to water and air distribution -- both key to successful plant growth. Out in space, grainy soils can cause water to scatter and fine soils can prevent airflow [source: Franzen]. Researchers are experimenting with many ...
The positions of the planets are like the relationships between actors and characters, which can also affect the performance. The houses are like the set. Each house represents a different setting for the actors to play out their roles. There are many different house systems, but you can find...