The lava disperses out over a wide surface area -- sometimes hundreds of kilometers -- building up a shield-shaped dome. Near the summit, the edifice gets a little steeper, giving the volcano a slightly raised center. Many shield volcanoes erupt with great frequency (every few years or so...
The lava disperses out over a wide surface area -- sometimes hundreds of kilometers -- building up a shield-shaped dome. Near the summit, the edifice gets a little steeper, giving the volcano a slightly raised center. Many shield volcanoes erupt with great frequency (every few years or so...
Persia has a coastline of almost two thousand kilometers, with many ports and anchorages. In the Khor Musa, only fifty kilometers away to the east of the Shatt al-Arab, Persia possesses a deep-water harbor penetrating far into Persian territory, where she has already constructed the terminus...
“The Southwest contributes impressively to the continentwide diversity of mammals; native mammal species in southwestern states number about 120 in Texas, 138 in Arizona, 139 in New Mexico, and 163 in California. No other region in the country has so many mammal species,” says the United Sta...
Phoenix became the state capital in 1912, when Arizona achieved statehood. During the mid-1800s, settlers spread out from the Presidio district into what is now known as the Barrio Historico. Working-class Mexicans, Chinese, African Americans, Anglos and Native Americans, many of whom went to...
The largest known maar on Earth is Devil Mountain Maar Lake, located on the northern part of the Seward Peninsula of Alaska. It was produced by a hydromagmatic eruption that occurred about 17,500 years ago. The blast spread tephra over an area of about 2,500 square kilometers. The tephra...
Ezra cited the Supreme Court’s 2012 Arizona ruling in his decision. Texas has argued that the law mirrors federal law instead of conflicting with it. WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE BORDER? Arrests for illegal crossings along the southern border fell by half in January from record highs in ...
getting the processed metals and minerals off the Moon's surface would take even larger amounts of fuel. An added problem is that most of the valuable metals and minerals on the Moon are spread out over thousands of square miles and bound up inside mixtures of rock and dirt, many lying ...
Finally, variability in yield across space in this region has been reconstructed from tree-ring data and estimated to vary on length scales of tens of kilometers, as well as from year to year.7 Beyond this example, evidence for long-distance exchange as a mechanism for mitigating uncertainty ...
The total land area of the country is approximately 300,000 square kilometers, about the size of Italy or the state of Arizona in the United States. The country has a tropical climate and two seasons: rainy, from June to November, and dry, between December and May. It is rich in ...