Foot-candle is the original measurement system for light intensity on a one-square-foot surface from a uniform source of light. In other words, a foot-candle is the light measured one foot away from a candle. Considering thehuman-centric principles of lighting design, the IES (...
What is BTU is an AC unit? Simply put, it’s the capacity or power of the AC. The bigger the BTU, the more cooling effect an AC unit can provide. Here is an example of how you can calculate how many BTUs you need to cool down a 500 sq. ft. area with 8 feet ceilings, avera...
Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: 让我做你的竖琴吧,就是森林一般, What if my leavers are falling like its own! 纵然我们都落叶纷纷, 分享12赞 韦思英语吧 _幸福绽放 《爸爸去哪儿》英文版! 高端洋气上档次!How I wonder what you are. 00:00· 播放0 分享2赞 thelongdark吧 苏猫儿...
While the direct drive BW Velvet Drive was once common, I’ve noticed many or your recent builders using the angled transmission (like I did) and the ratio can vary from 1.25:1 to 3:1. Possibly if you outright list what information you’re looking for, builders would give all the detai...