2. Due to the excessive rainfall in these areas, the soil in rainforests is rich and dark, providing an optimal environment for plant growth. In fact, over half of the world's tropical plant species are found within rainforests.3. These ecosystems are teeming with life, hosting ...
How many animals live in the Southeast Asian rainforest? How many bird species are there in the Amazon rainforest? How many endangered species are there in the Amazon rainforest? How many plant species are in the Amazon rainforest?
How many bat species can coexist in Neotropical rainforests? Species richness and structure of phyllostomid bat assemblages.Kelm, Detlev
How many species of trees are in the Amazon rainforest? What types of animals live in forest habitat? What animals are in the forest biome? How many animals live in the Southeast Asian rainforest? How many boreal forest tree species are there?
This is especially true for the tropical rainforests which, according to current estimates, are disappearing at a rate of -6 million ha per year. Alongside these depressing rates of destruction, evidence has started toemerge from archaeological and paleoecological investigations that many of these so...
Around the globe,some 902 specieshave been documented as extinct. The actual number is thought to be much higher because some are never formally identified, and many scientists warn the earth is in an "extinction crisis" with flora and fauna now disappearing at 1,000 times the historical rate...
2. Who found the new kind of chameleon in the rainforests of Madagascar? A. The scientists from Germany and Madagascar. B. The scientists from the UK and Canada. C. The teachers and farmers from Madagascar. 3. How many different kinds of reptile species are there in the world? A. one...
The world’s rainforests cover less than ten percent of the earth’s surface, but contain over forty percent of all plant and animal species. The biggest rainforest is in South America, it’s called the Amazon. Amazon is by far the largest remaining rainforest area left on our planet. It...
They are home to countless species of plants, animals, and insects, many of which have not even been discovered yet. Rainforests also play a vital role in regulating the climate, absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Without them, our planet would be a much different and less ...
Species composition can be defined as all the living things within an ecological community or region. The interaction of all these living things with biotic and abiotic factors is known as the ecosystem.Answer and Explanation: Forests are one of the critical pools for carbon as ...