A. GuerreroDesdamona Rios
Computers have been around for a long time, so everyone’s writing should be updated to reflect current tools. If you use two spaces after your punctuation marks, you are automatically showing that you are not up to date on the rules of writing. It is like putting a date-stamp on your ...
APA is often used in academic documents, specifically those that relate to psychology, education, and other social sciences. If you’ve never created a Word document in the APA style, you may have difficulty figuring it out, but it’s easy once you know the rules. If you want to know ...
“When somebody talks about a dash in AP style you can assume it’s the em dash,” she said. “And note that the (dash) names are written without hyphens.” Hyphens are shorter than either dash. They join words or show a range. Key rules for using dashes: Put spaces around the das...
Thecharacter creates a space that does not break into a new line. Two words that are separated by a non-breaking space always appear on the same line. The and	characters create tab spaces in HTML. Unfortunately, they can't be used independently. Any time you want a tab in HTML, ...
While youmaychoose more than one value—perhaps a value for a subplot or the internal genre—if you try to move your story on too many values it will become muddied and will be very hard to work with in your second draft. Maybe you're even already using a parenthetical statement, and ...
Are you pessimistic by nature? Do you see the negative in every situation and have trouble finding the silver lining? If so, it might be time to make some changes. Many people find it difficult to be optimistic, especially when things go wrong. But there are steps tostart seeing the glas...
So those are the basics of our typical ported two‑way monitor. But many monitors aren’t ported — including perhaps the most famous studio monitor of them all, the Yamaha NS‑10. So why would a speaker designer choose to omit the reflex port?
Use a phone number that you will be able to access at any time during the application process. It should be in the same country as the address in 7.(2). If you are living abroad at the time of application, for example, you could put your parents’ number in your home country. Be...
(CMOS) or Turabian, which are almost identical. The difference between these two formatting styles is that the CMOS is geared towards professionals who are publishing and has a great deal of instruction on formatting and many other things. Meanwhile, the Turabian Style contains less information ...