When is August 18th More about August 18, 2024 August 18th 2024 is the 231st day of 2024 and is on a Sunday. It falls in week 32 of the year and in Q3 (Quarter). There are 31 days in this month. 2024 is a leap year, so there are 366 days. United States / Canada: 8/18...
The total seconds in a year is 31,536,000 seconds (31,622,400 during leap years). Human’s concept of time Time is a tricky concept to grasp. Humans understand time on the scale of minutes and hours but have had trouble coming up with larger-scale measurements. This has led to an o...
Have a look at some of the numbers, history and lore behind the (not quite) every four year phenom that adds a 29th day to February. BY THE NUMBERS The math is mind-boggling in a layperson sort of way and down to fractions of days and minutes. There’s even a leap second occa...
The plane is being flown by Ken Allen, a 64-year-old veteran pilot. To Allen’s right in the co-pilot’s seat is his friend Russ Franck, 70. Franck’s no pilot, but he does enjoy going along for the ...
How safe is skydiving as a sport? How do you become a skydiver and how much does it cost? In this article, we will answer all of these questions and many more. The next time you watch someone skydiving on TV, you will have a whole new appreciation for what's going on! Let's ...
That is, we would have 367.25 days in a year, but each day would be about eight minutes shorter. Or, perhaps, we should say that days would still have 24 hours, but each one would be about 20 seconds shorter: It’s so easy to get all these precise...
Writing isn’t easy, and writing a good story is even harder. I used to wonder how Pixar came out with such great movies year after year. Then, I found out a normal Pixar film takes six years to develop, and most of that time is spent on the story. In this article, you’ll ...
Another impressive example of a Sora use case was seen recently with a director who made amusic videowith Sora: This is arguably one of the most fully realised examples of Sora in action and it shows the huge potential for this as a tool for the future. It’s interesting (and a ...
502560 Minutes left 30153600 Seconds left How we calculated the number of weeks left in 2025 Solving for the number of weeks left this year is not as simple as it may seem. We recommend using a calculator like ours above to account for the little nuances of leap years, shortened months, ...
(i.e. cliffs)—is a statistically dangerous sport. In fact, it’s arguably the riskiest form of outdoor recreation, alongside other contenders like big wave surfing and backcountry skiing. Considering how many climbing legends have lost their lives strapped to a BASE rig, I never even ...