If possible, you should visit each college you’re considering. Many colleges and universities appear great online, but you’ll only get the true feel for a campus when you see it up close and personal. In fact, students often have a “gut feeling” as soon as they step foot on camp...
Make sure they’re okay and help them see the other schools that would gladly accept them. Related: How to Be Supportive This College Decision Season Teaming up with your friends on the college search can be different for many people. Supporting each other during this stressful, unpredictabl...
the availability of scholarships and grants, the student's personal or family savings and the student's ability to work part-time or during summers. Although tuition costs are rising, many students still manage to graduate with low or no debt by attending affordable schools, receiving s...
However, for true change, the many factors that influence wellbeing in the community must be improved upon and be seen to be improving. There is evidence that citizens perceptions of their community and their pride in community are closely linked to the way they talk about their life ...
Many of the postsecondary financial aid opportunities are open to all students, yet there are many that are specifically meant for students with disabilities. In this article, we'll review the four main types of financial aid -- loans, grants, scholarships and work-study -- focusing on when...
The Yarra Ranges Tech School, which is based at the former Swinburne Lilydale TAFE campus, will be used by 1200 pupils from 20 local state, Catholic and independent secondary schools. It is the first of 10 technology school to open its doors. Others are set to open across the country at ...
Despite repeated public announcements that this story is not true, concerned people continue to spread the word about these drug-laced tattoos, posting warnings in police stations, schools and other public places. Not all urban legends deal with such morbid, weighty issues. Many of them have no...
Kids in schools across Canada learn to deal with bullying by using their WITS (walk away, ignore, talk it out and seek help). The first two strategies are all about removing yourself from the situation. Advertisement “Kids who are intent on bullying often pick kids who are responsive,” ...
Let’s say you’re a gift shop on a busy commercial street. Devoting a part of your blog to community content from neighboring shops, nonprofit organizations, and schools can help youdevelop a followingof curious locals who want to know what’s going on in the area. ...
important factor to consider if you are commuting or traveling a distance to attend. Many students want to go to a school far from home. This may seem appealing until you give serious thought to all that is involved in traveling to and from campus—from airfare ...