Therefore, in spite of high growth rate, it may not be an easy task for India to achieve the goal on reduced inequalities. A large and diverse country like India, where inequality takes on many forms, faces a bigger challenge in attaining SDG 10. In India, there are income inequalities ...
However, there are many SDG themes where there is market failure or not enough scale. Especially in the social sector, it would help if business models can be created that are sustainable. These don’t have to be for-profit; they can be not-for-profit. But at the moment, th...
DEI practice at the workplace directly advances SDG #5 on gender equality. The SDG includes objectives like ending discrimination against women and girls everywhere. SDG #5 also supports women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership on political, economic, and public...
Among these goals are those about fair and comprehensive expansion of the economy and new technical developments in response to climate change, as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy as top priorities. Contrarily, China is considered to be among the most susceptible countries to the ...
They should be immediately accessible to everyone in every nation [3]. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are built on the foundations of human rights agree- ments, therefore we use the terms SDG progress and access to human rights interchangeably (see the appen- dix, ...
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are regarded as one possible technology that may prove to be part of a multi-faceted approach to support the achievement of smart city goals (Woo et al., 2021). However, current understanding of how future cities should approach the introduction and implementation of ...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are by nature ambitious, with the prospect of all 17 goals being realized by 2030. While addressing these
While pharmaceutical supply chains have proved resilient to the unprecedented shock of COVID-19, many more questions will be asked of the industry over the coming months. Pharma’s response to the pandemic in terms of vaccines development and distribution of treatments has grabbed the majority of ...
The process of planning and implementing circularity in sanitation is complex. The waste streams derived from sanitation systems vary and there are many resource recovery technologies and products that can be generated from the available waste streams (McConville et al., 2020; Rosemarin et al., ...
In contrast, economic policy uncertainty-augmented industrial value-added adversely affects sustainable development steadily. Briefly, the empirical outcomes unveil significant economic implications, delineating that B2B firms are confronted with many challenges resulting from the vagaries of geopolitical and ...