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As a memory strategy, you can apply this principle in many different ways. For example, rather than memorize your grocery list from top to bottom, you can use chunking to arrange the items on the list according to where you normally find them on the store shelves. Or when you are learnin...
The exchangeable fraction of soil potassium (K) has been viewed as the most important source of plant-available K, with other sources playing smaller roles that do not influence the predictive value of a soil test. Thus, as K mass balance changes, the so
Many scientists argue that if we continue to treat our world in the way we currently do, we will no longer be surrounded by natural beauty. As... News Here’s why your health depends on you getting the proper sleep Whether it’s a detox, going vegan or simply intermittent fasting, ...
In her 2010 TEDxSydney talk, Rachel Botsman introduced many us of the idea of Collaborative Consumption - a facet of what has become known as The Sharing Economy. Susie Stokes revisits Rachel's talk in light of... Talk How do You Put a Dollar Value on What You Love? | Stanislava Pinch...
First you’ll need to remove the existing iCloud account that is in use on the iOS device: Open the Settings app and go to (Your Name), or “iCloud” Scroll down under all the settings to find “Delete Account” (or “Sign Out”) and tap on that ...
The world energy consumption centre has shifted to China by the transfer of many industrial workshops from the West into China. Clearly, the distribution of energy consuming centres has already overlapped with that of the manufacturing industry hubs in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, ...
I haven’t read this advice from Harvard Medical School, but this is the same thing I’ve been telling people for many years. Those games can develop a small amount of context-focused motor skill improvement… perhaps. But they have nothing to do with memory improvement for every day tasks...
Sensory learning strategies can help each student in your classroom. Here's a straight-forward, proven guide to help you get started.
school in a skateboarding accident. Not only did his crazy skateboard antics come to mind (they put most of us in his friendship circle to shame), but I also felt gratitude for his mom. She went beyond the call of duty by making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for so many ...