The focus was on the administering of sacraments and following an established liturgy. This changed once again during the Reformation. To inform a largely biblically illiterate congregation, many Reformation churches would go well over an hour in sermons....
The evil Catholic church and the evil church of England wrests the Scriptures since they are unlearned and since they are in no wise Christian but have doctrines of devils as evidenced by their evil sacraments!!! One thing about it my beloved, tradition will not get you to Heaven!
If you STILL can’t see these glaring connections between Zionism and the Papacy despite the fact that you consider yourself to be a minister of the Lord’s sacraments, then this would confirm the Truth maintained by the Holy Orthodox Fathers of the Church all along, namely that the SACRAMEN...
The Protestant reformers named three “marks by which the true church is known”: the preaching of the pure doctrine of the gospel, the pure administration of the sacraments, and the exercise of church discipline to correct faults. Today, church discipline is feared as the mark of a false ...
Ecclesiastical A consecrated mixture of oil and balsam, used for anointing in church sacraments such as baptism and confirmation. Also called holy oil. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionEcclesiastical A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the ...