The Holocaust was the murder of six million Jewish men women and children by Nazi Germany. Millions of other people, including LGBT people, were also murdered by the Nazis. Prior to the Nazis coming to power, Germany had a large LGBT population....
A Visual That Shows Just How Many Rohingya Villages Have Been Burned More Reuters FILE PHOTO: A Rohingya refugee family eats as they sit inside their semi constructed shelter at Kutupalong refugee camp near Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh October 24, 2017. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi (This...
Rohingyas are an ethnic minority, mostly Muslim, who practice a Sufi�inflected type of Sunni Islam. They comprise a third of the Rakhine state�s population and claim to have existed in Rakhine much before Myanmar took control in 1784. Rohang means �Arakan� in the Arakan dialect wh...
How many child soldiers were in the Liberian Civil War? How many African American soldiers fought for the Union during the Civil War? How many people died in the Nigerian Civil War? How many have died in the Rohingya genocide? How many border states were there in the Civil War?
people smuggling, there is a possibility that these Rohingya people were trafficked into Sri Lanka. Ironically, while Rohingya people are fleeing Myanmar and arriving in Sri Lanka seeking asylum, a growing number of Sri Lankan migrants are being trafficked into the camps of online crime syndicates ...
total of 28 Palestinians were killed in 2020 – almost all of them engaged in violence. Meanwhile, as pro-Palestinian campaigners want attention for a non-existent genocide, over a million Uyghurs’ sit in camps and the Rohingya are a people that the world’s media appears to have forgotten...
“They are disgusting” “They should be given the death sentence” The Rohingya aren’t afforded citizenship. Their very ethnicity is not recognized by Myanmar officialdom. Many of the Rohingya still in the country live in isolated colonies that are a cross between shanty towns and internment ...
of disaster risk reduction and readiness. Plenty of work remains since Bangladesh faces many other hazards, includinghuman-caused climate change, sea-level rise,earthquakes, andlandslides. The country is also coping with one of the largest current refugee crises followinggenocide against the Rohingya....
Rohingya Muslims who are being expelled from their country, and we can agree or disagree. However, these are individuals who no longer have a home. If you look at what’s going on, the UNHCR will tell you that there are over, I think a hundred million displaced people right now in ...
But her silence in the face of the military crackdown on the Rohingya minority in 2017 in her country after she had become its de facto leader, had people calling for her Nobel Prize to be withdrawn. Nobel rules do not allow this. The Norwegian Nobel committee head noted, "It's not ...