How many congressional districts are in Oregon?Greg Walden:Born in 1957, Greg Walden is a Representative of Oregon to the House of Representatives. He is Republican, the only current Representative from Oregon to represent that party. His father, Paul Walden, was also a politician....
This article explains how to email the President and other members of Congress. Emailing the President, your Senator, a House representative, or another Congress or government member is integral to keeping elected officials informed of our opinions. With today’s ever-increasing dissatisfaction with t...
Like we've donemany timesbefore, 538 decided to aggregate these positions to see how often each member of Congress voted with or against Biden on these key votes. On the whole, the data painted a picture of deep partisan divides in Congres...
The measure, which had strong bipartisan support, was passed by a 352-65 Congressional vote. before moving on to the U.S. Senate. Here is a breakdown of how eachCongress member voted. All votes
How many Electoral College votes does New York have? How many members does the Electoral College have? How many senators elected terms expire every two years? How many legislative branches are there? How many parts does the legislative branch have? How many houses of Congress were created in ...
The measure, which had strong bipartisan support, was passed by a 352-65 Congressional vote. before moving on to the U.S. Senate. Here is a breakdown of how eachCongress member voted. All votes
The 118th House speaker was elected after four days’chaos and 15 rounds of voting by members of Congress, fully exposing the deep political polarization in the country. Brad Bannon, president of a U.S. political consultancy, put it bluntly, "The impasse in the U.S. House of Repre...
Harris and Pence were not the first vice presidents to be put in the uncomfortable position of presiding over their own defeats. In 2001, Vice President Al Gore presided over the counting of the 2000 presidential election that he narrowly lost to Republican George W. Bush after ...
But regardless of how many more women win, the 2018 record of 127 women in Congress has already been shattered. What’s more, the incoming class of women in Congress is not almost exclusively Democrats, aswas the case in 2018); instead, at least 35 Republican women are expected to ...
While many Republicans in Congress rushed to defend Trump following his guilty verdict, Fitzpatrick has avoided the issue altogether. His office ignored multiple requests for comment this week. “We now have a convicted felon, who is leader of the Republican Pa...