Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar. It observes the most central tenet of the Christian faith—that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. The Resurrection represents the triumph of good over evil, sin, death, and the physical body. Easter Sunday marks the end of Holy ...
The hero’s journey is ultimately about transformation, and we can all be the heroes of our own story, no matter where we find ourselves today. What makes a hero? Courage. Heart. Willingness. It’s not so much about how strong you are, how many resources you have, or how wel...
Where is the resurrection story found in the Bible? Who wrote the Book of Songs in the Bible? Who wrote a letter included in the New Testament canon? What did Josephus write about Jesus? How did the Dead Sea Scrolls change Christianity? In what ways do gothic chur...
False religions all have in common one basic concept with regard to God: they either claim that all men are gods, or that specific men were God, or that nature is God, or that God is a figment of man's imagination. Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion ...
Many claims have been made about the resemblances between Christianity and earlier myths and religions. Some of those claims are true and others aren’t.
Now even though these statements are clear there are many unbelievers who will tell us that Christ’s own words just cannot be harmonised with a sixth day crucifixion (Friday) and a first day resurrection (Sunday). The prophecy they will all go to is found in (Matthew12:40) where Jesus ...
Many or most of you love your churches and wish to serve God in those churches. That being true, should not you know what God’s word teaches about the church? Should not every church member have a basic understanding of what a church is supposed to be?
Cyrus' treatment of his people and the helping of others were what caused him to gain his power. He didn't think of himself as a conqueror, but as a liberator of people. He agreed to treating people of all religions and backgrounds equally, so long as they didn't rebel. Whenever he ...
And the testimony of the various religions contradicts this view as well. Many diverse religions claim exclusive access to God. Obviously some are mistaken. So how do we “test” our hypothesis? How do we make certain that we are on the path to God without having already died? (Which may...
Of course, burning the dead isn’t a new concept. Cremation began in the Stone Age, and it was common in ancient Greece and Rome. In certain religions such as Hinduism and Jainism, cremation was preferred. The rise of Christianity put the brakes on the practice in the West. By 400 A....