If, based on how many wrongdoings he's done on Earth, his heart is heavier than the feather of truth, order, and justice, Hunifer will get eaten by this creature with the crocodile head named Amit.如果他的心脏比象征真理、秩序和正义的羽毛更重——这取决于他在世时犯下的过错数量,那么胡...
In 2023, almost 2,000 years since Jesus’ death and resurrection, the world currently has a population of approximately 8 billion people. As believers work to spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission, we may wonder exactly how many believers th
Many claims have been made about the resemblances between Christianity and earlier myths and religions. Some of those claims are true and others aren’t.
Of course, the Buddhists will say they’ve been practicing mindfulness for centuries. Christians also. Jesus said, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34) In fact, most religions include some type of...
How many hymns are there in the Rigveda?Hymn:A hymn refers to a song that is, usually, religious and sung in the praise of a deity or multiple deities. Every religion, ranging from those belonging to ancient civilisations or modern times, has its own hymns....
“We can answer that in so many ways. It is not just the good overtaking the bad. My faith shows that will happen when people live as decent humans. But it cannot happen without Jesus. His love is contagious. I believe it can expand to encompass the earth. ...
In contrast to the vibrant interdisciplinary literature on other virtues, such as forgiveness and gratitude, the study of humility has developed more slowl
because he realizes the pipe dreams of liberal secularism where it just imagines it’s going to impede uninterrupted are based on there being enough people to carry that dream into the next generation, and yet they’re not having kids. And the people who are having kids are in many cases ...
What does the Quran teach about other religions? Is Islam based on the Old Testament? Who started the Islamic religion? What is the central teaching of the Quran? When was Islam founded? Where is Islam mainly located? How many gods does Islam have?
There seems to be some confusion abroad these days about diversity of religions. We can find in the writings of Fr. Henri de Lubac, SJ, as well as in St. Thomas Aquinas, principles helpful on this question. Does every human person need Christ’s Redemption? Even the Muslims in the Mosqu...