While there were Lithuanians who joined the Soviet communist party after the occupation began to seem undefeatable, most of those people simply did it for gains in influence and material conditions (membership in the Communist party was beneficial for a career in Soviet-occupied Lithuania). Moreove...
In 2008 when Bernard Madoff and the Jews on Wall Street Took down the American Financial system, how many people were arrested? New York is Filled with Bernard Madoffs. My niece married a Jew and I refused to go to the wedding. This country has been destroyed by Jews, our manufacturin...
there were many tensions early on and once the common threat of Germany and Japan were removed, it was only a matter of time for the shaky relationship to fall apart. Here are some possible factors that contributed to the Cold War:
The first edit inDecember 2007removed the part that suggested many of the victims were civilians. That is a deletion which is clearly political in nature. On the 26th July 2012, a User, ‘Egeymi’removed the sentencecompletely. The User suggested he ‘shortened’ the lead because ‘it includ...
Between 1900 and 1930,political turmoil in Mexico combined with the rise of agribusiness in the American Southwestto prompt a large-scale migration of Mexicans to the U.S. There were reasons on both sides of the border. How many Mexicans live in the United States?
disasters on our screens. There is also a lot we do not see – millions of people being forced to flee their homes that forever remain out of sight. Being stateless, homeless and facing a world in which refugees are viewed chiefly with suspicion, is a heart-breaking position to be in. ...
cried for help and other cops watched, I remembered noticing when many Israeli soldiers used this technique of leaning in on our chest and necks when we were protesting in the West Bank sometime in 2006. It is clear that they [Israel] share these methods when they train police forces ...
Those supporting wellbeing for refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants may be in positions to facilitate helpful urban nature experience (Rishbeth et al., 2019). Fourth: sense of self. In Bierski's study set in Richmond UK he heard participants' ‘narrative and skilled being-in environment...
Although many signs point to the ascent of the Mossad-Military regime in the coming year of crisis ahead, there are also countervailing forces at work. The most important of these is the force of Truth in the hearts of Americans. Although this nation has gone from Johnboy to Jewboy in ...
“For Fear Of The Jews,” the twelve disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ locked themselves in an upper room on the day of His burial fearing that they too would be crucified by the murderers of God. Today, many still, even Christians —“for fear of the Jews”— are frightened into sp...