How are new refugees doing in Canada? Comparison of the health and settlement of the Kosovars and Czech Roma Can J Public Health 2003;94:381-85.Redwood-Campbell, L., Fowler. N., Kaczorowski, J., Molinaro, E., Robinson, S., Howard, M., & Jafarpour, M. (2003). How are new ...
In today’s world of constant connectivity, it can be hard to avoid seeing heartbreaking stories in the news and social media. The ongoing refugee crisis is a frequent topic with especially distressing images. If you’re someone with a strong desire to help, there are fortunately many ways t...
Southern Mexico has been devastated by flooding that has displaced thousands from their homes and has cost lives. Learn more on how people in Tabasco state, one of Mexico's most impoverished regions, are coping. Check out The China Report, our new weekly newsletter. Subscribe here!
ETrees are of great importance when it comes to maintaining topsoil and slowing down the wind speed. In many Asian countries, firewood is the chief fuel used for cooking and heating, which has caused uncontrolled clear- cutting of forests in dryland ecosystems. When too many trees are cut dow...
While Mr. Biden has vowed to come to aid those who helped the U.S., many Afghans who are terrified of the Taliban's retribution are struggling to reach Kabul's airport. What happens to those resettled in the U.S.? Afghans who enter the U.S. under a Special Immigrant Visa will re...
Garcetti is one of the leaders of that initiative, and Williams said it could help solve many problems in a congested and polluted city. ″[He’s] working in a really ambitious way to accelerate EV adoption and at the same time work with other partners to expand the EV charging infrastruct...
This paper is a joint effort by the OECD and the European Commission to make a first evaluation of the situation on refugees on the labour market. It is based on the 2014 [European Union] EU Labour Force Survey. Available evidence confirms that refugees are one of the most vulnerable groups...
Among individuals searching for "圣诞节" (Christmas in Chinese) on Baidu in October this year, 48.4% are between 20 and 29 years old...
Engaging in physical activities is not only an excellent way to ease stress and have fun but also helps exhibityour time management skillsand commitment. If you’re not interested in athletic pursuits, there are many other team-oriented opportunities, including debate teams or theater...
you are a security risk, you have committed human or international rights violations, you have been convicted of a crime, or committed an act outside of Canada that would be a crime in Canada, you have ties to organized crime, you have serious health problems, ...