For many centuries, scholars and philosophers from wisdom traditions in different cultures have reported and discussed non-self states of consciousness. These states can be both short-term (state, transitory) and long-term (trait, lasting) conditions. However, in psychology, the importance of a he...
So powerful are our instincts in this regard that we’d rather tie ourselves into cognitive pretzels with metaphysical fantasy stories like “natural kinds”, “transcendental realism”and “Platonic Realms” rather than give them up. Cognitive Pretzel—by Stable Diffusion By now I hope t...
The regions of Africa where Voodoo has thrived are also areas that were heavily trafficked during the slave trade. Slavery brought Voodoo to the Americas. Next, we'll look at the changes to Voodoo that took place on the other side of the Atlantic. The Babe With the Power In many Voodoo...
Although there are many humans, who are reborn every day, along with others who ‘re-die’, all are driven by their continual ‘love’ for worldly life’s merely fleeting pleasures. Each come and go alone, to meet only for a while, only to soon forget one another. According to their ...
So powerful are our instincts in this regard that we’d rather tie ourselves into cognitive pretzels with metaphysical fantasy stories like “natural kinds”, “transcendental realism”and “Platonic Realms” rather than give them up. Cognitive Pretzel - by Stable Diffusion ...
(yoga, Buddhism, advaita and tantra) as they began, unavoidably piecemeal, to enter the West since The Sixties’ peak era of the scientia sexualis’s ‘Final Truth Sexual Liberation’ influences. Indeed, many mature, ars erotica visiting gurus were swept into the currents of scientia sexualis...
In religion and esoteric teachings, "plane" sometimes refers to a state or level of consciousness or being. In Buddhism, for example, there are said to be 31planes of existence, ranging all the way from the States of Deprivation to the Formless Realms of infinite space and infinite consciousn...
There are several reasons. The first reason is that "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" is a life-saving sutra in the age of the Degenerate Dharma. Many sutras are in the Three Treasuries and the Twelve Divisions of Buddhism, but no one else is as straightforward as "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", or as ...
that’s how it evolved – it was borrowing from Buddhism and sharing with Shintoism, and taking the shamanic roots of the nomadic folks that were living very close to nature. So that’s why, to me, it seems to cross over into a lot of different realms, and it seems like ...
Using the terminologydeveloped in Chapter 4 can help us identify the Theosophical Society as the struc-ture which connects these spaces. Or, to put it another way, the Theosophical Soci-ety is the mediator between the worldly realms and the spiritual realms.The idea of the Mahatmas as ...