(k) After the second Rak'at's second sajdah is over, I saying "Allahu Akbar, "sit down in the reverential posture called, Qa'da-tul-Oola (first sitting) or Qa'ada-tul-Akhira (last sitting) as the case may be, and recite Tashahhud alone in the former case :- At-tahiyyatu lillahi...
The process is repeated as many times as necessary, usually four or five times, until the elements of the last two column vectors are the same. The column vector that satisfies this condition is called the eigenvector [43]. The process ends by generating a matrix representing all the ...
How do I perform qadha salah? Sobi Top Answerer The Prophet said, “Whoever forgets a prayer, let him offer it as soon as he remembers, for there is no expiation for it other than that.” You pray the prayer how you normally would. Remember that by making the prayer up, you are ...
How many takbeers in the first and second rakaat ? Sobi Top Answerer There are two ways of performing Eid salah: 3 Takbeerat in the first rak'ah, and 3 in the second; and 7 in the first rak'ah, and 5 in the second. Please read the article for more information on when these...