Area: Maps that show land masses or bodies of water with the correct area relative to one another are equal-area maps. Preserving the correct area can significantly distort the shapes of the land masses, especially for views of the entire world. Shapes: In the pseudoconical Robinson projection...
So by now it may be unnecessary to summarize our final conclusion, that the chances of Earth coming into harm's way due to Nibiru is zero, since the entire thing was pure fiction that never had any remote analog in the world of real science. As we often see with so many urban legend...
likely 6,000 years after starting his experiment. Then there would be 1,000 years of struggle or bliss or something, and the world would end, 7,000 years after it began. This was especially tidy and convincing as there are 7 days in the week, said...
Released at a point in the franchise’s history when many Pokémon fans felt the series needed a change, Pokémon Legends Arceus was the jolt of innovation the series needed. Dropping nearly all of the series’ well-established gameplay trends for a new pseudo-open world style that allowed pla...
We joke a lot about Lance here, but the entire region of Hoenn can't seem to separate the Dragon and Flying types either. We've got a Flying leader having the most prominent Dragon Dance user, a pseudo with primary lore about wanting to fly, Levitating...
This particular legend has a characteristic common with many legends. Namely, it is untrue. Oh yes, there were real and mythical creatures drawn on maps, but apparently only one markedHC SVNT DRACONES. Written, or perhaps mistyped,HC SVNT DRACONESappears on the 1510Hunt-Lenox Globenear the ...
Set appropriate names for legends g.set_names('column','Origin','x','Year of production','y','Fuel economy (MPG)','color','# Cylinders'); Set figure title g.set_title('Fuel economy of new cars between 1970 and 1982'); Do the actual drawing ...
I have always had a very hard time picking a #1 favorite Pokémon. There are so many amazing ones, I can never pick just one. So to make this somewhat fair...
While the many subgenres of fantasy will all have their own tropes, here are a few worldbuilding conventions you're bound to see more often. 11. The Pseudo-European Medieval Setting A feudal system governing a society where taverns are frequented and duel-by-swords are a daily occurrence. ...
Cultural evolution research is the study of how cultural traits (e.g., beliefs and behavioral patterns) stabilize, change and diffuse in populations, and why some cultural traits are more “attractive” (i.e., more likely to spread) than others. As such,